
Raising Resilient Kids 
January 2023

For parents of children ages 4-10

What you will learn:

Quick literacy activities to do with your child that foster brain development. 

The science behind phonemic awareness, how to play with sounds at home, and why the ABCs are not all they're cracked up to be!

Ways to engage your child during at-home reading that feel authentic and enable you to bond.  

How to use your child's inherent interests to make a literacy plan for them. 

How to raise independent thinkers, who gather knowledge to make informed decisions (even and especially at these young ages!)  

This is for you if your child has perfectionistic tendencies, or struggles when they make a mistake, or doesn't want to try because they're worried they'll get an answer wrong!
This is for you if you want your child to develop more independence, and a stronger sense of self.  

join the challenge for $36

kind words

"What a relief it was to connect with an expert so accessible to help with our daughter’s reading! The road map Talia walked us through was extremely helpful in aiding our daughter become a better reader without forcing a bad experience. Three month later, our daughter is on a regular schedule, comfortable reading out loud and improving each day. Thank you Talia!" 

Cate and Susan E-B

"You gave me the sense that I can be in control of a joyful setting for my 5 year old to learn how to read, and that was exactly what I was looking for in our conversation. I am legitimately looking forward to starting to put together these resources for her and I look forward to being in touch with you as we continue down this path!"

Jessie G.

"Talia kindly spent some time with me yesterday, and in 30-minutes, I became infinitely better prepared to encourage my 5 and 7 year old to develop better literacy habits. We put some of her ideas to work today -- which were met with great success!"

Jennifer H.

Go from a family that sometimes reads together to a family that asks deep questions during read-alouds, thinks critically about our world, and plays purposeful games that increase your children's reading abilities - all while having fun together!


join the challenge for $36