
Connected Parenting

Often people come to me telling me that they’re on board with a more “gentle” approach, but their partner isn’t. Or that they listen to all the podcasts, read all the books, do all the things… but their partner won’t. Parents ask me all the time “does the fact that we have different approaches harm […]

October 21, 2024

Parenting For Resilient Kids Doesn’t Require The Exact Same Parenting Style…

Raising Resilient Kids…Without the Hardship Is your kid too soft? Is your kids life too lacking in hardship to develop actual resilience? This is a concern many of us have. Most of us want to do things differently than our parents did, but want to instill a similar amount of grit, self-assurance, and independence. I’m […]

September 27, 2024

Is Your Kid’s Life Too Easy?

These early days of school are famous for a reason. There are a million things to cover, a million things to buy and schedule and create and plan for. My toddler is starting at her new outdoor school. I need to get her some anti-tick gear, make an “all about me” book, focus on her […]

September 26, 2024

The Back To School Rush Can Be Crushing

Scrabble tiles spelling out 'Back to School' laying on a yellow legal pad with two pencils below

I lied to my daughter last night. And I told her the truth, too. Last night, as I tucked in my toddler before her first day of school, she asked “can you tell me about my day?” and I realized I made it. For the past many weeks, I’ve been telling her the story of […]

September 25, 2024

Two Truths and a Lie…To Our Kids

Little girl in overalls and a striped shirt holding a book in front of her face. Blue background

Remember To Nourish Yourself “I’m the only one in the house that likes this” I said this yesterday when at the farmer’s market with my toddler. She and I were getting nice, colorful, healthy food for home (yay!) and I saw some delicious concord grapes for sale. I LOVE concord grapes. They’re my favorite. I […]

September 24, 2024

Sometimes We Discount Our Own Needs

Beautiful Concrd grapes on the vine, sunlight hitting the top.

Balance Is An Important Part Of Parenting Sooo… I’m hiding out.. My daughter is downstairs and she’s had a hard time with the transition from her outside school (they’re outside all day! rain or shine! so, so happy for her and for all the other kids who get to be outside). Her after-school sitter picked […]

September 21, 2024

Do You Hide From Your Kids? I Do…

Talia in center of picture, office behind with white paper chart covered in writing behind on right, window to green trees on left.

Raising Resilient Kids is a Work In Progress I regularly give my clients permission to punish their kids. To bribe them, and cajole them, and nag them, and yes, yell at them. The thing is, they’re already doing this. Every parent has bribed their kid to just get in the F*%^*ing car. Punished them when […]

September 20, 2024

You Can Yell At Your Kids…Permission Granted

Raising Resilient Kids Is About Showing Up I was in Tampa yesterday, and SO many parents showed up for a Raising Resilient Kids workshop. It was at 8:30 am on a workday (don’t worry, we made a recording available!), and the room was full! In fact, the school told me that this was their biggest […]

September 19, 2024

What do you show up for?

I’ve been thinking about you, and hoping you’ve been able to take some time this summer to relax.  I’ve started a practice I’m calling “skygazing” which is just me sitting in a chair outside looking at the sky. It’s not meditating (somehow meditating feels like doing “something” and skygazing feels like doing “nothing” — and […]

August 29, 2024

How is your summer going?

These early days of school are famous for a reason. There are a million things to cover, a million things to buy and schedule and create and plan for.  My toddler is starting at her new outdoor school. I need to get her some anti-tick gear, make an “all about me” book, focus on her […]

August 29, 2024

 Can’t get it all done? Neither can I. (Here’s what I’m doing instead..)

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