Talia Kovacs Consulting is more than just your average tutor. Talia works with you and your child to develop a fun and engaging reading curriculum that will have lasting effects. Their reading comprehension will skyrocket in tandem with their self-assuredness. Talia has helped many children throughout the Brooklyn area overcome their reading challenges and succeed in their learning journey. Your child could be next.
It all starts with a 15-minute discovery call. Book yours today.
Revolutionizing Reading for Children
You are a crucial element in the success of Talia’s reading tutor service and the Resilient Reader Program. After all, parents have an active role in their child’s continued success. Talia will coach you through practical strategies that you can use as a parent to boost your child’s confidence and reading scores while eliminating the stress that can come when your child struggles in school.
Working with Parents on Reading Tutoring
Talia’s Resilient Reader Program regularly moves kids up two reading levels within one school year. By the time the program is through, your kid will be caught up with their appropriate reading level and will eventually possess the tools to develop a lifelong love of reading.
Some of the benefits children have acquired from Talia’s method of tutoring include the following:
• The bridging of literacy gaps
• Improved self-perception of reading skills
• Improved academic confidence
• Improved overall confidence
• Reading desires and goals reached
• Tools to continue joyful reading throughout life.
If your child struggles with homework or you have gone through many different tutors/tutoring styles, then Talia Kovacs Consulting can help.
Improve Your Child’s Confidence and Enjoyment of Reading
Effectively bridging gaps in reading and writing involves using a combination of your child’s strengths and weaknesses to improve their overall reading and writing comprehension. Talia’s program will eliminate the fights parents have with children about homework and improve their general mood toward learning. Your child will notice their improvement and feel encouraged by it.
Reading Tutor Bridging Your Child’s Reading and Writing Gaps
Talia Kovacs crafted the Resilient Reader Program to improve the reading skills of children throughout Brooklyn. The program includes building a personalized reading curriculum based on what is observed in the initial sessions with your child, focusing on the critical improvement areas and implementing reading instruction in a joyful and easeful way. Talia also works directly with you to discuss strategies that will enhance your child’s reading skills on their own time and at school.
The Resilient Reader Program
Book Your 15-Minute Discovery Call
Talia Kovacs Consulting’s proven one-on-one tutoring strategy helps turn your child into a confident, active reader. Talia’s Resilient Reader program goes above and beyond guidance through assigned school homework. The program is catered specifically to your child, designed to analyze the weak points in your child’s reading habits and put forward the necessary steps to bridge those gaps.
Talia will improve your child’s self-perception of their reading capability and work with you on strategies to continue improving your child’s literacy away from their tutoring sessions.
If this sounds like what your child needs to elevate their reading level and create a love of reading, click the link below to schedule a discovery call.