
Sometimes We Discount Our Own Needs

Remember To Nourish Yourself

“I’m the only one in the house that likes this”

I said this yesterday when at the farmer’s market with my toddler. She and I were getting nice, colorful, healthy food for home (yay!) and I saw some delicious concord grapes for sale.

I LOVE concord grapes. They’re my favorite. I love the texture and the flavor is quintessential “grape” flavor. Yum.

I let my daughter try one and she spit it out immediately. And I already know my husband doesn’t like them (he prefers large, hard, green Costco-style engineered grapes)..

I had the grapes in my hand, and I decided to put them back. I reasoned with myself “I’m the only one in the house that likes these. I’ll get something everyone else likes.”

I forgot — if I get something that everyone else in the house likes, I’m getting something I DON”T like as much!

I forgot — I am also someone in my house!

I forgot — luckily, we are comfortable enough to afford two kinds of grapes!

I didn’t get the concord grapes. And I just had lunch, and man am I missing them.

So, here’s a reminder to you — do what nourishes you. You’ve got to take good, good care of yourself, too.

I’ll remind myself the same next week at the farmer’s market.

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