I’ve been thinking about you, and hoping you’ve been able to take some time this summer to relax. I’ve started a practice I’m calling “skygazing” which is just me sitting in a chair outside looking at the sky. It’s not meditating (somehow meditating feels like doing “something” and skygazing feels like doing “nothing” — and […]
These early days of school are famous for a reason. There are a million things to cover, a million things to buy and schedule and create and plan for. My toddler is starting at her new outdoor school. I need to get her some anti-tick gear, make an “all about me” book, focus on her […]
Do you know what your values are? Do you have a mission statement? I’m not talking about work, or your personal life.. I’m talking about your family. Do you have a family mission statement? Do you make values-driven decisions as a family? I am just getting back from coffee with a friend who also works […]
Why you need reliable stability, not ups and downs Your kid is doing fine. Today. But last week was tough. So was last month. But then it got better for a bit. And next week, who knows? The ups and downs you experience with your kid’s meltdowns and big behaviors are because they don’t have […]
We know this generation of kids is the most anxious we’ve seen since we started tracking children’s mental health. We also know they’re the most watched generation. This is one of the main reasons why independence is so important. Kids need independence so they can try and fail without anxiety.
In today’s fast-paced world, parents often find themselves caught in the crossfire of conflicting expectations between their children’s school and their own values at home. As a former teacher turned parenting coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the frustration and angst that arises when these expectations collide. In this blog post, I delve into the common challenges faced by parents in balancing the demands of school with the needs of their family. From navigating homework battles to managing classroom rules, I offer practical insights and strategies to help parents assert their autonomy and prioritize their family’s well-being. Join me as we explore how to find harmony in parenting and education, one decision at a time.
Sibling Rivalry Always Happens right? “_______ !!!!! (insert your child’s name here) if I have to come in there ONE more time you’re both grounded. I don’t care what she said, figure it out!!” Has a version of this been yelled in your house? I grew up as the eldest of four sisters, and I […]
Raising Resilient Kids Can Take Time I was walking near my house with my toddler and my dear friend yesterday. Predictably, just as we got close to home, my toddler wanted to stop at a picnic bench. It was getting dark, and we were already cold and wanting to go home. I had a choice; […]