I want to tell you the story of a family I worked with, where things were overall fine. Her son had moments of big meltdowns, defiance, and struggle to focus. But, she figured many of these behaviors were under the umbrella of “normal”.
I’m telling you this because many folks feel that things aren’t “bad” enough to get support. That if only they read the right thing, get the right strategy, or learn the right things to say next, things can get better on their own.
And I want you to know that this class is for you even if things aren’t terrible. This class is for parents who know they can be doing more to support their kids, and have a sense that their kids’ confidence simply isn’t where it should be at their age.
Here’s the story of Jen and her family, and why she joined even though things weren’t “that’ bad at home:
When my son entered pre-k this school year we started to notice VERY big feelings (even happy feelings) manifesting in physical dysregulation, especially in the classroom and on the playground.
He struggled to focus, to listen, and avoided high-pressure situations whenever possible. He resisted playing by himself, always wanting either our undivided attention or a screen.
He was prone to pushing or punching on the playground or manifesting his feelings in other physical ways. I reached out immediately to Talia for her guidance.
I would say we had a mostly calm household but with outbursts of chaos and a nagging feeling that we were missing the tools to make it better.
Our kid didn’t just need help to be his best self, WE needed help to enable him to be his best self.
After an incredibly helpful (and free!) consultation she recommended her Raising Resilient Kids (RRK) program. My husband and I signed up without hesitation. The course was incredible for both of us, and the outcome for our son has been game changing.
We have a 5yr old who will HAPPILY play independently for as much as an hour, no screens, no bids for attention. We have roles and responsibilities in the household that appeal to our individual values and senses of pride. We have a family mission that guides our life at home and in the world.
When things get stressful, we have an arsenal of techniques to guide us through those challenging times.
And even more comforting is we now understand what may be the root cause of the challenge to begin with. We wouldn’t have any of this without Talia. If you’re contemplating this course, or her help in general, DO NOT WAIT! Her wisdom will remain with our family always.
Jen and her family made huge changes, even as they felt that things weren’t going off the rails at home.
This course isn’t only for when things get untenably bad. This course is for when you have a nagging feeling that you could be doing better, that your family could be doing better.
So, if you want to form stronger bonds at home, feel more confident in your parenting, and build confidence in your kids, let’s chat, if you’ve had a nagging feelings things could be better I encourage you to jump on a Clarity Call with me.
It’s free and I only invite in families I know I can help to join my class. It’s the moral thing to do. (If I don’t think I can help, I always work to connect you with folks who are a better fit. You’ll always leave the call with clear next steps.)
You can find out more here.