It takes so much to just get our kids through the day: we want them to do better in school, get enough sleep, eat healthfully, enjoy some extracurriculars, and have enough time to relax.
When our kid acts out, we often think about how we can restructure the things above. Do we need more rules? Higher expectations? Stricter consequences?
The answer is usually a lot simpler than that: your kid just needs 15 minutes with YOU!
Kids need to feel connected to their parents, and studies show that you need only 15 minutes a day to strengthen your attachment and build your child’s sense of independence and self-reliance.
Playing with your kids doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing choice. You might think, “I don’t have two hours each day to play with them,” or “I can’t squeeze in an outdoor game of tag when I have a meeting in 20 minutes!”
In actuality, meaningful play can be simple and stress-free. This resource walks you through how to set up this “special time” – be sure to give it a fun name! – and how to focus these 15 minutes to make it really impactful.
Before you know it, you will feel closer to your child and their ability to play independently will be greatly improved. You can also expect any misbehaviors to go down significantly!
Give this routine a try, even if you’ve got only 10 minutes to start. It will be tons of fun for both of you, and it’s such an easy way to fill your kid’s love tank.