
Connected Parenting

[Read a previous post on: Turning Reluctant Readers into Resilient Readers] This is me as a kid. And, I have a secret to tell you… I was a bad student. I was the kind of student who constantly got calls home with well-meaning declarations from teachers: “she has much potential” but “she just needs to […]

September 12, 2022

How your child feels when school is hard…

[Read a similar post on: Normalizing Mistakes] The other day, a parent said to me “I know it’s my fault that my daughter is such a perfectionist.” I could tell that she was feeling so guilty. Like all of us feel when we see characteristics we don’t love in ourselves show up in the tiny humans […]

September 6, 2022

It’s my fault my child is a perfectionist

[Read a similar post on: Meaningful, Fun, Celebration] I’ve been thinking about taking pride in the small stuff. Not waiting until a big accomplishment, but noticing the small wins along the way.  For our kids who are struggling with a subject in school, particularly in reading, it can feel like until everything is right, nothing […]

August 29, 2022

Taking Pride

[Read the previous post on: Reading is More Than an Academic Subject] I have been talking to a lot of people about how to help our kids with the transition into school. Yes, we’re getting ready to go back to school. It’s going to be September before we know it, and we do want to […]

August 22, 2022

Do This One Thing Before School Starts

[Read a similar post on Celebrating Hard Work and Healthy Risk-Taking in Children with Jennifer Hill.] What if all the horrible things we think might happen, probably won’t?  I’ve been saying that to myself often. Every time I look at my baby and see a potential disease, developmental delay, bee sting. I keep reminding myself […]

August 15, 2022

Gaining A Default of “Everything’s Fine”

To learn more about this, read my previous post on Systematic Ways of Teaching Reading. Something that I hear a lot is:  “I just want him to feel confident in reading like I did”  or  “I just want him to love books and cuddle up next to a book, like I did when I was […]

August 8, 2022

Reading is More Than an Academic Subject

Reading is more than academics.

[Read the previous Learning to Learn post on Building Resilience in a Perfectionist Learning Environment] Welcome to our Learning to Learn series, where we chat with working mothers on how their own experiences at school shape who they are now at work and as parents. Today, we’re discussing becoming your own advocate with Deinya Phenix, […]

August 2, 2022

Becoming your own Advocate with Deinya Phenix

What kinds of stories do you tell yourself about yourself? One important story that we need to tell ourselves to build up our resilience memories is that when something is hard, we do it and get through it. The way  all of us get better at anything is by having something be hard and seeing that we can […]

July 28, 2022

Creating a Bank of Resilience Memories

Welcome to our Learning to Learn series, where we chat with working mothers on how their own experiences at school shape who they are now at work and as parents. Today, we’re discussing resilience and perfectionist thinking with Sara Bierenbaum, a powerful customer success executive and mom to an awesome 8 year old! Let’s get […]

June 30, 2022

Building Resilience in a Perfectionist Learning Environment with Sara Bierenbaum

Welcome to the Learning to Learn series, where we discuss how our early learning experiences shape who we are at work and how we parent. [Read the previous Learning to Learn post FROM GRADES TO GUIDANCE: SENDING THE RIGHT MESSAGES ABOUT EDUCATION TO OUR KIDS] Hey there. Welcome! Let’s start off with you introducing yourself […]

June 21, 2022

Celebrating Hard Work and Healthy Risk-Taking in Children with Jennifer Hill

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