In today’s fast-paced world, parents often find themselves caught in the crossfire of conflicting expectations between their children’s school and their own values at home. As a former teacher turned parenting coach, I’ve witnessed firsthand the frustration and angst that arises when these expectations collide. In this blog post, I delve into the common challenges faced by parents in balancing the demands of school with the needs of their family. From navigating homework battles to managing classroom rules, I offer practical insights and strategies to help parents assert their autonomy and prioritize their family’s well-being. Join me as we explore how to find harmony in parenting and education, one decision at a time.
Sibling Rivalry Always Happens right? “_______ !!!!! (insert your child’s name here) if I have to come in there ONE more time you’re both grounded. I don’t care what she said, figure it out!!” Has a version of this been yelled in your house? I grew up as the eldest of four sisters, and I […]
Raising Resilient Kids Can Take Time I was walking near my house with my toddler and my dear friend yesterday. Predictably, just as we got close to home, my toddler wanted to stop at a picnic bench. It was getting dark, and we were already cold and wanting to go home. I had a choice; […]
I’d like to introduce you to the concept of the triune brain. As the human race developed over millennia physically, changing and adapting, so did our brains. With new challenges and needs it added more parts. Just as with our brain waves, we don’t start out with access to all the ways of thinking.
Why Kids Space Out: Understanding the Unique Brain Processes of Children Did you know there’s a reason why our kids can feel so “spacy”. Even after we’ve asked them 5 times to do the same thing and they still haven’t gotten to it. Sure, it may be because they simply don’t care about anything you […]
Are you tired of arguments over homework and chores? Discover the key to building resilience in kids. It’s not about forcing them to ‘just do it’ but helping them trust their ability to handle challenges. Learn how to empower your child to embrace difficulties and overcome them with confidence. Join our upcoming Raising Resilient Kids parent class in November to unlock these valuable skills.
I had the opportunity to sit down with Jenny Lisk from The Widowed Parent Podcast and discuss building resilience in our kids. We covered the importance of resilience and how when tragedy strikes (as it has for the folks listening to her podcast), we can give ourselves grace and trust the process of our kids […]
“I don’t want to rely on screens… but I have to use them sometimes!! Usually when I hear this, it’s followed by a sheepish look of guilt mixed with indignation (“don’t tell me not to use screens!” I hear you thinking) I want to talk about your child’s screentime in a reasonable way that allows […]